Staff please be advised that we have an active status with AFLAC and if anyone is interested in any of their policies, please feel free to call James Neil at (408) 444-2991 or email at

2016-17 July 1 Budget

School Districts shall adopt a budget on or before July 1 of each year {Ed Code 42127(a)(2)}.  The governing board shall file the budget with the county superintendent within five days of adoption or by July 1, whichever occurs first {Ed Code 42127(a)(2)}. 2016-17...

Professional Development Opportunities – Summer of 2016

Dear WUSD Staff, It is our pleasure to offer a wide range of Professional Development opportunities during the summer of 2016.  Each curricular training being offered is of high value as we fine-tune our Professional Learning Communities and focus on student...

Objection to Disclosure of Student Information – April 1, 2016

In 2012, a group of parents filed a lawsuit against the California Department of Education (CDE) claiming, in part, that the CDE failed to appropriately oversee local school districts and their compliance with special education and Section 504.  As part of that...