Washington Unified hosted its annual Spelling Bee competition at the District Office.  Students, grades 4-8, from both American Union and West Fresno Schools, competed for a chance to represent Washington Unified at the County competition.  Washington Unified is proud to recognize the following winners:

Grades 4-6

1st place: Evan Esqueda, AU

2nd place: Miguel Ochoa Perez, WFES

3rd place: Sara Venegas Vaz, AU

Grades 7-8

1st place: Housten Goodman, WFMS

2nd place: Garrett Zurita, AU

3rd place: Kevin Hernandez, AU

The Fresno County Superintendent of Schools (FCSS) will host its “Spell Off” at Fresno State on March 19th.  The top two students in each grade level will represent Washington Unified.
